Frequently asked question (FAQ)
Which operators are valid ?
For all cell phone operators, our location system is sufficient.
Which mobile phone brands can you track?
With our geolocation device, we are able to trace a cell phone (E.G. Samsung, Apple, Nokia, huawei, Sony, BlackBerry, etc)
What about Worldwide Coverage ?
If the chosen cell phone has internet connectivity, our Geolocation Technology Service is very reliable and available at WorlWide.
Is this service in compliance with the legislation ?
In accordance with the advice of the Information Commissioner’s Office, this service is provided. Geolocation will only be activated with the consent of the requested individual.
Can the service operate if the cell phone is switched off?
If the cell phone is switched off, the service cannot operate, but our location search will be activated as soon as the user turns his phone on. The applicant will also be informed of the geolocation and the time of detection of the position.
what precision for geolocation ?
Our technology is implemented with a minimum margin of error once the person’s number is assigned to the interface. Our strength lies in our system’s accuracy. Once the desired mobile phone is located, its exact location will be obtained in the form of a mapping.
And confidentiality?
You are free to either apply anonymously for geolocation or to identify yourself. If you make an anonymous request, the person you are seeking will not be aware of the applicant’s identity. On the other hand, the person sought will be aware of the identity of the person who wishes to geolocate it in the event of an identified request. There will be no online exchange, and all data is handled by our geolocation service.